Thursday, March 05, 2009

Elements of the Past.

I'm currently in the process of re-reading all of the Harry Potter books.
So far I'm only up to the third, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

When the books first came out and I was in elementary school, I read the first three about a million times each.
I couldn't get enough of it.
I remember our teacher banning them from the classroom because none of us would listen to anything she was saying if we were trying to secretly read our Harry Potter books under our desks.

But can we talk about something for a second?
J.K. Rowling was a really terrible writer when she started.
I mean, I know I'm a writing snob, but damn.
If Harry Potter wasn't such a great mash-up of all the historically successful elements of fantasy children's lit, she would have tanked.


Nikol Schiller said...

i don't know if you did the twilight series or not...

but oh man. if you think rowling's bad... stephanie meyer is freaking REALLY bad.

(i'm not going to lie. i still read all four books!)

Danielle Fletcher. said...

no.. I haven't read any of the twilight series.
and I'm okay with that.

nicole said...

the writing in twilight is terrible. the story line in twilight is terrible. everything about twilight pretty much sucks. but i keep reading anyway. skip it.