Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Thought I was James Dean for a day.

2009 is treating me pretty well so far.

I went to six flags on friday.
and I got to pet an elephant(!)

but I've mostly been busy working.
which is a good thing.
because it means money + less time to think about the things that are getting me down.
and that = sleepy, financed bliss.

I've been really lazy lately.
mostly because when I get home from work I am way too tired to do anything.
that includes sorting my recycling or doing dishes.
the result is a kind of smelly apartment.

but don't worry.
I just drank some tequila, and I'm in a cleaning mood.
plus, I've got a bountiful supply of oust.
in short, I'm golden.


Janey said...

I"m kinda jealous you got to pet an elephant.

Cassandra W said...

me too. I love you.

you really are golden, man.