Monday, December 14, 2009

the way things are.

Spain, in case you haven't heard, is amazing.
Cassie was a wonderful host, and her roommates are the most generous, welcoming people I think I have ever met.

That weekend was comprised mostly of spanish omelette, drum circles, moroccans, and tinto verano.
We wore wigs, danced to 90s songs I could have done without in the 90s, and definitely spent a good 3 minutes (in the street) loudly and actively pretending to be chickens.
I think we tallied it up, and, between the 3 of us, we drank about 20 bottles of tinto.
So, all in all, pretty standard.

The next place I traveled to was Scotland.
People actually wear kilts.
They have blow-up pig sex dolls in the ladies' room vending machines.
Scottish boys are really attracted to vomiting girls.
And it rains. a lot.

I was happy to see Amy, but Scotland isn't a place I think I'll be going back to.
That didn't stop me from having a ridiculously good time, though.
Jessica and I ended up running fromthe bouncers of the nightclub up a spiral staircase to the VIP section, which is where I was CONVINCED that I belonged.
And, later that night, after I was just plain sick of the dour Scots, I actually tried to run out of the country.

Next place on the list was Amsterdam, the city of dreams.
It was my 20th birthday, and I figured drinking absinthe mixed with champagne by a canal in the freezing cold was a good way to spend it.
I was right.

The red light district was bizarre at first, but after half an hour of staring at ladies in windows, I kind of got used to it. And I started secretly rooting for them when they pulled a customer.
It was a hazy blur of a weekend. (are there any other kind in Amsterdam?)
but I would not hesistate to go back.

The locals were lovely, and would go out of their way to help you.
And, well, the weed isn't bad, either.
So, that just about brings us to the present.

Next week I'm headed to London to spend some time with my Auntie and the Queen.
And then it looks like I'm headed to Dublin to ring in the New Year, for auld land syne.

I'm sure I'll tell you all about it in a few months...

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