Sunday, September 28, 2008

Rednecks for Obama.

Here it comes.
The obligatory political blog.
I'm sorry to subject you to this, but I can't help myself.
you should probably navigate away right now if you're not in the mood for a little(A LOT) of ranting.

I'm voting for Obama, of course.
I'm a little ashamed to say that I'm pretty much a straight-ticket voter.
at least, I would be if I had been allowed to vote before now.

I just disagree with pretty much everything that Republicans and conservatives have to say.
This doesn't mean that I agree with all Democrat views, but I'm definitely liberal through and through.

And I am so thankful that my embarrassing habit of almost straight-ticket support will actually (hopefully) yield some good for this dying nation.
Obama is a fresh of breath air.
I didn't always support him, I was a pretty staunch Hillary fan.
But I've been on his side ever since she was out of the running.
I think he is an amazing man and a brilliant politician.
He understands and promises to deliver what America needs most: CHANGE.

Meanwhile, I have no idea what the dog and pony show most commonly referred to as the Republican Party is trying to accomplish.
Sarah Palin? you're kidding, right? I mean, that's one helluva joke.
Oh, you're serious.
This woman cites her hometown's proximity to Russia as her foreign policy credentials.
This lipstick-wearing bulldog is the person who would become THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES if (when) John McCain dies.
Keep in mind, he's 72 years old.
The life expectancy of the average American male is 72 years.
He also smoked two packs a day for 25 years.
Do the math.

Not to mention, McCain is already going senile.
He's talked about Vladimir Putin, the President of GERMANY.
He's talked about Iraqi AL-QAEDA members slipping into Iran to receive training.
He's talked about Somalia. Oh, I mean Sudan.
He talks A LOT about Czechoslovakia( it hasn't existed since 1993).
He doesn't know his Packers from his Steelers or his Shiites from his Sunnis.
And I would say that McCain is obviously losing his mind, made clear by his choice of running mate.
But I think it's pretty clear that he lost his mind long ago.
John McCain, he's a real leader with a real bowel.

McCain should start a comedy act with George Bush.
they'd be a laugh riot.

These are all pretty good reasons, in my opinion, NOT to vote for the McCain/Palin debacle.
But the best reason not to vote for McCain:
He's not going to take away your guns.

Educate yourselves.
Vote for change.


Anonymous said...

After reading your blog I must say that I am very very proud to be your sister. I am also very very happy that you are voting for Obama instead of McCain, gross.

Chelsea said...

hello hello your favorite girl has a blog! i miss you girl lets be bloggg friends